Responsible drinking



1. Founding principles

1.1 Comply with legal requirements to the letter (such as those relating to conditioning, advertising, labeling, sales outlet information…)
1.2 Encourage responsible consumption and condemn excessive drinking.
1.3 Have a responsible and active institutional communication.


2. Advertising

2.1 Advertising message

2.1.1 Never stage people drinking alcohol in our ads.
2.1.2 Never associate the consumption of alcoholic beverages with driving a vehicle, operating machinery or the workplace.
2.1.3 In our ads for alcoholic beverages, never stage people aged less than (or looking younger than) 18 years-old.
2.1.4 Never represent or allude to scenes or people, whether real or imaginary, that have an obvious influence on minors.
2.1.5 Communicate about the danger of alcohol consumption in pregnant women.
2.1.6 Display on each of our communications the warning “Alcohol consumption is dangerous for your health, drink in moderation”.
2.1.7 Never associate beer to an image of maturity, luck, or success – whether intellectual, social, sports or even sexual (or improvement of qualities thereof).
2.1.8 Never suggest or present an affinity with a violent, aggressive, antisocial, dangerous or illegal behavior.
2.1.9 Never suggest that our alcoholic beverages may have therapeutic, sedative, stimulating or anti-conflict properties.


2.2 Target

2.2.1 Never target minors and vulnerable people, nor incite them to alcohol consumption.
2.2.2 Prohibit minors from accessing our alcoholic beverage sites (users have to enter their date of birth to view the website).


3. Alcohol content

3.1 Never create confusion or misunderstanding regarding the nature of our alcoholic beverages and their alcohol content.
3.2 Never suggest that consuming our low alcohol beverages is likely to prevent excessive drinking.


4. Choice of communication material

4.1 Voluntarily refrain from using our advertising rights for alcoholic beverages along the Polynesian road network.
4.2 Forbid ourselves from communicating in materials that are exclusively intended for minors.
4.3 On the Brasserie de Tahiti website, elaborating a section about informing consumers and encouraging responsible drinking in relation to the Hinano website.


5. Packaging

5.1 Ensure that the alcoholic properties and the alcohol content of beverages are clearly mentioned to the consumer on the packaging.
5.2 Check that the alcoholic strength of a beverage may not make up the main packaging theme or information delivered on the outlet.
5.3 Observe that the packaging design may not resemble an item belonging to teenage culture or objects associated with behaviors that pose a danger to society or health (such as bombs, syringes…)
5.4 Have the following warning featured on all our alcoholic beverage packaging (in French and Tahitian): “Excessive drinking alters behavior and prohibits driving a vehicle”.
5.5 Clearly indicate the alcohol by volume on the packaging to the consumer, without ever showing off this content as a product asset.
5.6 Feature a logo about the danger of alcohol consumption in pregnant women.


6. Distribution

We cannot have legal control of the distribution and shelf stocking of our products, however Brasserie de Tahiti raises awareness amongst its distributors and retailers in order to:
6.1 Offer our alcoholic beverages on shelves clearly identified and clearly separated from non alcoholic beverages.
6.2 Comply with regulations, in particular with the ban on selling to minors, the opening hours of liquor stores as well as the ban on selling in vending machines.


7. Prevention activities

7.1 Participate in prevention and information activities against the risks posed by drinking and driving, for young drivers in particular.
7.2 Forbid ourselves from any promotional event activity in a sales outlet that doesn’t hold the appropriate liquor license (for consumption on or off premises).